Kundalini Yoga


Kundalini Yoga, is often described as the yoga of awareness. It uses specific combinations of asanas (postures), pranayam (breathing), mantra (sound), bandha (body locks) and meditation to connect the mind, body and soul.

The class begins by tuning in with a mantra and is followed by a warm up and the chosen Kriya (sequence of postures). There are many kriyas to choose from so the sequence, postures and focus varies with each class.

The kriya is followed by meditation and relaxation. The class closes with a mantra or affirmation. This class helps to; transform stress or worry into focus, clarity and action; stretch, strengthen and tone the body; bring a sense of peace, calm, certainty and purpose and leaves you feeling great!

Yeli’s teaching style is compassionate, uplifting and energising. For further information visit happinessholistichealth.uk, email yeli@happinessholistichealth.uk or call 07983598302