Fiona Corliss

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Fiona Corliss is a professional nutritionist who has practised for the past 15 years in Kent and East Sussex. She is qualified to provide Nutritional Counselling and is a Member of the Institute for Complementary Medicine. Fiona’s studies in nutrition began when she discovered her daughter was a coeliac 27 years ago. At that time knowledge was limited, but through medical/nutritional study, together with trial and error, she helped her daughter through some difficult years. Fiona has since successfully treated many clients with dietary/colon issues.

Fiona has built her reputation on working with clients to address the root of the cause of their problem. Using Naturopathic Nutrition, Fiona treats the whole person, not just the symptoms and enables clients to achieve a deep level of understanding as to how they have reached their present level of health. Fiona offers an individual, personalized programme, drawing on different areas of expertise to treat both acute and chronic conditions.

Fiona also offers a range of Medical Tests, including Food Intolerance Testing and Stool Testing.

Please visit for more information or call 07817921916 to discuss.

Fiona is a member of ARCH (Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists), FNTP (Federation of Nutritonal Therapist Practitioners) and the GRCCT (General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies).


Fiona is available by appointment on Thursdays and Fridays each week from 8am until 5pm.


Colon Hydrotherapy with water - £90
Colon Hydrotherapy with Herbal Implants and/or Liver Cleanse * - £100
Nutrition Initial Assessment - £100 (1.5 hours in clinic, plus 1 hour/follow-up email)
Nutrition Follow Up - £85 (60 minutes)

* Herbal Implants are an important part of a colonic, particularly for - Constipation, IBS-C/IBS-D, excessive bloating/flatulence and general colon discomfort - as they aid peristalsis giving an easy, more comfortable evacuation.

Contact Fiona

Mobile: 07817 921916
