

Mentoring can provide you with a supportive and motivating environment in which to explore what you want from your professional life or personal life – and then help you to identify how to achieve your aspirations and fulfil your needs.

Mentoring can broaden horizons, break down what you perceive as barriers, and open up possibilities. Working with your mentor, you will build a relationship of trust where – in a safe and confidential space – you are totally free to experiment with ideas and to air anxieties in order to increase your personal understanding, which in turn will help you on your journey of growth and development.

Your mentor will listen in a caring, patient and empathetic way, but will also be challenging and honest in order to help you build personal insight into your issues and plans. In this supportive, non-judgmental environment, your mentor will offer constructive feedback and gentle guidance, creating a situation in which you can take responsibility for your own decisions about changes in your life or career, or about a particular path to take. The experience of being mentored can be relaxing and fun, as well as effective for your future success in life…