When: Saturday 24th February - 10am to 12pm in the Yoga Studio
BOOK HERE: https://rootstothemoon.co.uk/event/spirit-lead-group-healing-hastings/
A nourishing and relaxing morning of spirit lead healing for you and your loved ones by experienced Shamanic Practitioner Joanna Gore in partnership with her spirit healing guides, assisted by drum, rattle and ceremonial herb tea by Paul Rushworth. The morning will begin with a circle of sharing, appeals and communal blessings, followed by a guided meditation and a specially designed group healing using shamanic practices, music, voice, drum and rattle. You will curl up in your healing nest and journey to your most heartfelt healing place across the veil. There you will experience a spiritual healing from Joanna and her spirit healing guides. Closing with gratitude and positive affirmations you will go home grounded and connected to the source of all energy, feeling rejuvenated, balanced and healed.