Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) / Tapping


EFT Therapy

EFT (tapping) is emotion-focused therapy that combines acupressure with elements of cognitive and exposure therapies. EFT can take away the emotional ‘charge’ of an event or memory, thereby relieving the body of anxiety, stress, fear, pain, trauma, phobia and any other adverse emotion that is present. Focusing on a memory while tapping helps to remove the charge (the negative emotion) associated with a traumatic event, in other words, tapping allows you to release the emotional impact of a thought so that the memory is no longer a trigger. 

EFT gets to the root cause of a mental or physical issue and often sees results where other therapies may have failed. Clinical EFT Practitioners are trained to safely guide a client to memories otherwise inaccessible thus allowing healing on a much deeper and permanent level.

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